What is the most popular treatment?
“That would be the Oil/Aromatherapy 1 hr service”

Get a free Massage! - Facebook accounts only (Running up to December 2018 only)
For clients who have been to TTMassage or those who are interested in coming, you will be eligible to be entered into a monthly prize draw for a chance to win a £40 gift voucher. We have set up a Facebook group and all members of this group will be put in a monthly raffle and a name will be chosen at random (filmed) on the first of each month. Please note last entry is a day before the draw, so please ensure you join before then.
Please note this raffle is only available to people who are in this group
https://www.facebook.com/groups/TTmassage.Raffle and is only by invite so a Facebook account is needed, apologies if you do not have an account but we are trying to have more social interactions via Facebook with our clients.
So good luck to people in our group and please let your friends and family know about this great raffle each month here at TTMassage. No catch honest we just want to spread the word that our establishment offers the best massage and service possible
Please click the Join Group below